16 Results Sort by:
Conformal Mapping of Physical Spaces for Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences
­ Application Practical approach to develop an AR experience at scale to incorporate real-world museum exhibits and other open-ended spaces. Key Benefits Track and trigger any large exhibit (indoor) space as one single image target. Conformal mapping provides greater flexibility by adding or removing AR trigger markers. Technical Summary To...
Published: 7/28/2023       Contributor(s): Aryabrata Basu
Mobile Application for COPD Patients
Application Mobile application for teaching breathing techniques to patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Key Benefits Personalized coaching program. Tracks and saves lung performance. Adapts training program to patient’s lung performance. Can be done from the comfort of the patient’s home. Market Summary Chronic...
Published: 4/23/2024       Contributor(s): Weihua Zhang
The Mindful Eating Coach
Application Mobile application to encourage healthy eating habits. Key Benefits Less effort than traditional calorie-counting apps. Focuses on how food makes the user feel rather than on specific foods to avoid or max calorie counts. Free app. Market Summary In the United States, nearly 40 percent of adults and 20 percent of children and adolescents...
Published: 4/24/2024       Contributor(s): Linda Craighead, Erin Jones
Citizen Science HD
Application Educational tool, STEM initiative, and mobile app to stimulate critical thinking in K-12 students. Key Benefits Curriculum is based primarily upon utilizing and understanding Big Data in K-12 schools. Can be used as a STEM educational tool and curriculum at schools, events, and community outreach programs. Increases diversity in STEM...
Published: 7/28/2023       Contributor(s): Adam Marcus, Theresa Wicklin Gillespie
Clinical Decision Support System
Application Software that provides "smart phrases" or "auto text" which the clinician may employ to enhance and expedite evidence-based documentation and state-of-the-art care delivery. Key Benefits Quickly composed text that is directly inserted into a clinical note. Easily reviewable with the ability to edit text in the note...
Published: 4/24/2024       Contributor(s): Justin Cheeley
Study Management and Retention Toolkit (SMART)
ApplicationMobile app and desktop application for management of research studies involving human patients.Key BenefitsSupports a variety of study formats.Combines management of all parts of study in one place.Automatically reminds patients and research staff of upcoming appointments and tasks.Improves communication between study admin and study participants.Market...
Published: 4/23/2024       Contributor(s): Eli Rosenberg, Patrick Sullivan
ReadyVax: Smartphone App Boosts Vaccine Knowledge and Access
ApplicationStandalone smartphone app to increase vaccinations and improve vaccine knowledge for providers, pharmacists, and the general public.Key BenefitsProvides detailed information about a variety of vaccines and diseases. Sends out alerts and updates. Market SummaryVaccines prevent millions of cases of infectious diseases each year; however, many...
Published: 4/23/2024       Contributor(s): Saad Omer, Robert Bednarczyk, Paula Frew, Walter Orenstein, Ines Gonzalez-Casanova, Neal Halsey, Daniel Salmon
INFORMED: Instant Functional Outcomes Report for Meaningful Encounters in Dialysis
ApplicationSoftware report that records and displays the domains of physical functioning for dialysis patients to inform clinicians' shared decision making.Key BenefitsEnables longitudinal tracking of patient information on functioning over time.Displays information across multiple domains of physical functioning.Increases cooperation of patient with...
Published: 4/23/2024       Contributor(s): Laura Plantinga, Brian Jones, Ann Vandenberg, Leigh Nadel
HU-Buddy: Alternative Method for Delivering Directly Observed Therapy
Application Mobile application to deliver directly observed therapy (DOT) videos to a caregiver. Key Benefits Saves time for patients and health care workers. Increases patient drug compliance. Reduces costs for patients. Market Summary Poor drug compliance can be a confounding factor in clinical trials, and in infectious patients can lead...
Published: 4/23/2024       Contributor(s): (Emory) Lakshmanan Krishnamurti
Mobile Application for Remote Screening of Abdominal Pain
ApplicationMobile application and program to remotely identify and assess severity of tenderness and abdominal pain.Key BenefitsAllows physician to replicate physical abdominal exam remotely.Eliminates distance barrier, increasing access to medical service.Potentially reduces need for in-person visits and costs.Market SummaryAbdominal (or stomach) pains...
Published: 7/28/2023       Contributor(s): Alexander Weiss, David Myers, Wilbur Lam
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