Guiding the Cartilage Repair Microenvironment
A novel method to improve the effectiveness of marrow-mediated cartilage repair.
Key Benefits
Enhances the efficacy of the marrow stimulation procedure for cartilage repair.
Priming the cartilage repair environment to enable subsequent healthy tissue growth.
Potential to become a one-step, implementable, and effective treatment for...
Published: 8/22/2024
Contributor(s): Sameh Labib, David Myers, Jay M. Patel, Maddie Hasson, Lorenzo Fernandes
Engineering Tighter Binding Spherical Nucleic Acids
Method to enhance the affinity of spherical nucleic acids for their targets.
Key Benefits
Facile method for molecular printing on surface of NP.
Massive improvement of SNA’s binding affinity to the target can provide strategies in applications for therapeutics and diagnostics.
May maximize DNA density on the NP surface.
Published: 7/30/2024
Contributor(s): Brendan Deal, Khalid Salaita
Targeted Theranostic NanoToxin for Treating Metastatic and Drug-resistant Tumors
Magnetic theranostic nano-toxin for imaging and drug delivery applications in cancer therapy.
Key Benefits
Induces tumor cell death via a different biological mechanism, compared to current chemotherapeutics, to overcome drug resistance mechanisms in tumor cells.
Delivers high levels of therapeutic agents into metastatic tumors, while...
Published: 7/30/2024
Contributor(s): Lily Yang, Xiangxue Guo, Hui Mao, Wei Chen
Micron-Sized Drug Vehicle for Unregulated Blood Clotting
Fibrinogen-coated micron-sized drug vehicles for targeted treatment of unregulated blood clotting.
Key Benefits
Facilitates targeted release of drugs specifically for blood clotting disorders.
Drug delivery vehicle can be used with newly discovered or known therapeutics on the market.
Site specific biological mechanism may help increase...
Published: 8/22/2024
Contributor(s): Caroline Hansen, Yumiko Sakurai, Wilbur Lam, Andrew Lyon
Anti-biofouling Polymer for Nanoparticle Coating
A functionally amenable copolymer of polyethylene glycol (PEG) and allyl glycidyl ether (AGE) that improves the specificity and targeting of nanoparticles compared to PEG coating.
Key Benefits
Amphiphilic properties significantly reduce non-specific adsorbtion of proteins compared to PEG.
Improves targeting and cell-specific uptake...
Published: 7/30/2024
Contributor(s): Hui Mao, Yuancheng Li, Lily Yang
DNA Machines Enhance SNP Analysis Efficiency
DNA-based machines that roll rather than walk and can be used for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis.
Key Benefits
Unique "rolling" cogwheel-like mechanism allows directional motion without a track or external guidance.
Micron-sized cargo travels large distances; can be visualized using a smartphone camera equipped with...
Published: 7/30/2024
Contributor(s): Khalid Salaita, Kevin Yehl
Layer-by-layer Assembled Nanoparticles for Oral Drug Delivery
Layered, casein coated magnetic nanoparticles for oral delivery of drugs protected from acid degradation.
Key Benefits
Enables oral delivery of hydrophobic drugs that are sensitive to acid degradation in stomach condition.
Replaces injections and infusions, reducing side effects and improving patient’s quality of life.
Published: 7/30/2024
Contributor(s): Hui Mao, Jing Huang
SpineGuide: Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Compatible Spinal Therapeutics Delivery System
ApplicationMRI-compatible device that enables precise delivery of therapeutic or cells to specific locations in the spinal cord. Key BenefitsCompatible with real-time MRI imaging systems allowing for the targeting and delivery of therapies concurrent with imaging. Can precisely guide and deliver a multitude of therapies (small molecules, biologics or...
Published: 8/22/2024
Contributor(s): Nicholas Boulis, John Oshinski, Jason Lamanna, Cody Anderson
Self-Assembling Peptides that Incorporate Cell Signaling Molecules
Platform that creates conjugates of self-assembling peptides and cell signaling molecules as a potential therapeutic for the treatment and repair of tissue.
Key Benefits
Hydrogels form at physiological pH and osmolarity.
Produces cells that display characteristics of adult cardiac muscle cells.
Additional molecules (pro-growth or...
Published: 7/30/2024
Contributor(s): Michael E. Davis, Archana Boopathy
A Ligand-Protease Fusion Peptide for Enhanced Tumor Targeting and Drug Delivery
A ligand-protease fusion peptide that cuts through the tumor stromal barrier and provides enhanced tumor targeting and delivery efficiency for therapeutic agents.
Key Benefits
The protease activity of the fusion peptide enables breaking of the stromal matrix and allows migration into stroma-rich tumor tissues.
Can be attached to nanoparticles...
Published: 7/30/2024
Contributor(s): Lily Yang, Xiangxue Guo