Method and System for Recording and Recovery of Electrophysiology During Stimulation


Systems and methods for recording and recovering viable electrophysiological signals and during delivery of stimulation, including deep brain stimulation (DBS).

Key Benefits

  • Enables the recording of electrophysiology/neurophysiology during stimulation from the same stimulating contact and adjacent contacts.
  • Enables the potential usage of these obtained biomarkers for improving and providing objective measures for the optimization of clinical therapy that involves neuromodulation therapies.
  • Preserve oscillatory components within the electrophysiological signal, allowing the unaltered underlying activity after each stimulation pulse to be recorded.
  • Does not require active methodologies (such as fast-switching relays) to switch a channel from recording to stimulation.

Market Summary

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) consists of an implanted pulse generator that delivers electrical pulses to DBS-type electrodes implanted in a specific brain region of interest. The practice is used for therapeutic treatment of Parkinson's disease, Tremor, Dystonia, OCD, and epilepsy. There are multiple drawbacks to current DBS including a large stimulating artifact at the recording stage of DBS. Researchers at Emory University have developed the FPClipre and MB-NEDR systems with the objective of recording stimulated electrodes, among other benefits.

Technical Summary

The proposed method consists of novel systems; the instrumentation for mitigating stimulation artifact at the acquisition stage of the amplifier and analysis methods for removing the stimulation artifact from the recorded data. The instrumentation of the Fully passive clipping for recovering electrophysiology (FPClipre) consists of a hardware add-on placed in the front of the amplifier input and consists of a set of 3 passive stages. FPClipre has 3 main stages: “current limiter stage” restricts the current that can flow to the recording amplifier, “voltage range limiter stage” restricts the voltage output within the recording amplifier range to circumvent saturation, “simulation decoupler stage” which prevent a loading effect on the recording amplifier inputs. The proposed MB-NEDR method for artifact removal consists of an ad-hoc artifact estimator, which removes the stimulation artifact by estimating it through a family of constrained dampened sinusoids.

Patent Information

Tech ID: 22072
Published: 12/6/2022