Antibody that Binds to Lysophosphatidic Acid Receptor 5 (LPAR5)


  • Western Blot
  • Immunoprecipitation




Rabbit Polyclonal

Technical Summary

Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a small, bioactive glycerophospholipid that acts as an extracellular signaling molecule in most eukaryotic tissues. Research suggests that LPA may play a role in pathological conditions such as inflammation, cancer, obesity, and hypertension.  Emory inventors have shown that LPA acutely stimulates Na+ and fluid absorption in human intestinal epithelial cells and mouse intestine by stimulation of Na+/H+ exchanger 3 (NHE3) through the LPA5 receptor. Furthermore, LPA5 can regulate NHE3 by stimulating NHE3 activity through transactivation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in the apical membrane of Caco-2bbe cells. This regulation involves proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (Pyk2) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MEK).

Publication: Yoo BK, et al. (2011). Am. J. Physiol., Cell Physiol. 301(5):C1008-C1016.

Patent Information

Tech ID: 15217
Published: 10/26/2015