40 Results Sort by:
Enhanced Delivery and Efficacy of Antisense Drugs via Covalently Linked Nanodisc Scaffolds
Application A synthetic nanodisc (ND) scaffold for delivering antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) for the treatment of disease. Key Benefits Improved cellular uptake and protein suppression using antisense oligos. Longer ASO half-life compared to other ASO delivery methods. Potential to overcome the delivery and efficacy challenges using ASOs for...
Published: 12/4/2024       Contributor(s): Khalid Salaita, Radhika Sharma
STAR-Echo: Software to Predict Cardiovascular Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients
Application A novel software for prognosis of MACE in chronic kidney disease patients using spatiotemporal analysis and transformer-based radiomics models. Key Benefits Unique interpretable features – identifies novel features based on longitudinal changes in LVW shape (perimeter & sphericity) and texture (intensity variations) over a...
Published: 11/20/2024       Contributor(s): Rohan Dhamdhere, Sadeer Al-Kindi, Gourav Modanwal, Anant Madabhushi
Automated Software to Quantify Breast Arterial Calcifications from Mammograms
Application Deep learning software for the automated detection and quantification of breast arterial calcifications in screening mammograms. Key Benefits Optimized image segmentation accuracy with improved generalizability towards mammograms with and without BAC presence. Robust ability to quantitate narrow or heavy BAC and/or partial depositions...
Published: 12/4/2024       Contributor(s): Hari Trivedi, Imon Banerjee, William Charles O'Neill, Aisha Urooj Khan, Theodorus Dapamede
Multimodal Identification of Atrial Fibrillation Recurrence Sites
Application Identifies areas of interest associated with atrial fibrillation recurrences. Key Benefits Identifies sites associated with recurrences for AF patients. Predict AF recurrence risk in patients’ post-catheter ablation. Development of prediction model by extracting features from the surface of interest (SOI). Market Summary Atrial...
Published: 12/4/2024       Contributor(s): Abhishek Midya, Anant Madabhushi, Golnoush Asaeikheybari, Mina K. Chung, Amogh Hiremath, Moore Benjamin Shoemaker, Majd A. El-Harasis, John Barnard, Rod S. Passman
System for Assessing Health Severity and Predicting Readmissions
Application A smartphone-based system for monitoring patients to identify and prevent severe cardiac events. Key Benefits A remote monitoring system that uses smartphone data to accurately predict a user’s risk for a severe cardiac event (e.g., heart attack). Tracks the user's movement, location, and physical activity to calculate FDA-accepted...
Published: 11/20/2024       Contributor(s): Gari Clifford, Amit J. Shah, Ayse Cakmak, Erik Reinertsen
Wearable Device for the Early Detection and Monitoring of Atrial Fibrillation
Application A wearable device that enables long-term, continuous monitoring and screening for AFib by monitoring light signals on the skin. Key Benefits Inexpensive and compatible with existing wearable products by leading technology companies from Apple and others. Novel algorithms suppress irrelevant signals originating from a user's constant...
Published: 11/20/2024       Contributor(s): Shamim Nemati, Supreeth Shashikumar, Amit J. Shah, Qiao Li, Gari Clifford
Automated Sleep Analysis Using Cardiovascular Signals
Application Sleep stage classification algorithm and diagnostic platform. Key Benefits Real-time sleep classification using a single electrocardiogram sensor. Eliminates the need for multiple head, eye, skin, and heart sensors with current diagnostics. Preliminary results using human data demonstrate high accuracy in identifying different sleep...
Published: 9/26/2024       Contributor(s): Gari Clifford, Shamim Nemati, Qiao Li, Supreeth Shashikumar
Drug Screening System for Cardioprotection
Application A high throughput screening assay for developing therapies to protect from drug and alcohol-induced cardiotoxicity. Key Benefits A cardiovascular stem-cell-based screening assay that can identify drugs that protect the heart from toxic medications and alcohol. Preliminary data in the laboratory show the system is clinically relevant...
Published: 12/4/2024       Contributor(s): Chunhui Xu, Antonio Rampoldi, Yuhong Du
ONC201 for the Treatment of Vascular Aneurysms
Application A repurposed therapeutic for the preventative and treatment of aneurysms. Key Benefits A repurposed cancer drug that targets cells known to be damaged during the progression of an aneurysm. The drug has been tested within an animal model of aortic aneurysms, where it prevented the severe complications of the disease and protected the...
Published: 11/20/2024       Contributor(s): Alejandra Maria San Martin
Engineered Biomaterials for Vascular Grafts
Application A biomaterial to create grafts for treating babies with congenital heart diseases. Key Benefits A biocompatible material that can be used to reroute blood within the body. Experimental data in animals show the material is biocompatible with no clots, thrombus, or adverse immune reactions. Potential to be used in other cardiovascular...
Published: 7/30/2024       Contributor(s): Saimuralidhar (Murali) Padala, Jahnavi Mudigonda
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