Operating Room Table Clamp
Universal clamp to mount objects to an operating table.
Key Benefits
- Provides a low profile and pitch accommodation on the operating table and general ease of use in the OR.
- Designed to mate with standard OR table railings, allowing for widespread use in any type of hospital and with any type of surgery.
- Universal design decreases storage space and maintenance required for multiple OR clamps.
Market Summary
There is currently no universal clamp for operating tables available. There are instead many different clamps that are used to mount objects to the operating table. All of these clamps vary based on two design features: the shape of the mating part and the ability or lack of the ability to rotate with the pitch of the table. Surgeons and nurses must use a number of different types of clamps to fit different widgets which is both inefficient and costly. A universal design for these clamps would increase efficiency in the OR and cut down on hospital overhead.
Technical Summary
This universal clamp, made of stainless steel, is sturdier and hardier than others on the market and can be autoclaved for easy and quick decontamination. The clamp is easy to use with a universal design. It requires little time, only a few moves to mount, and uses simple, intuitive fasteners. The block on the device that clamps the mating piece can be easily removed from the rest of the device so if a new widget has an odd-shaped shaft, for example, the only change necessary would be a to add a small block that will fit the shape to use as a replacement block, instead of buying an entirely new clamp. The clamp can mate with any OR table rail as well as any shaped device or widget. Unlike comparable clamps, this clamp can accommodate pitch of the operating table, therefore maintaining the orientation of the mating device regardless of the change in the table’s pitch. The clamp has a low profile (less than two inches) with only smooth surfaces designed not to snag on gowns and other fabrics. Many times a clamp is used to hold an object close to the operating field, however the clamp is then in the way and often poses as an obstruction for the surgeons and surgical assistants. This clamp allows the use of a clamp in the operating field without limiting its number of useful applications in the OR.
Developmental Stage
Prototype has been built and is in testing.
Patent Information
App Type |
Country |
Serial No. |
Patent No. |
File Date |
Issued Date |
Patent Status |
Design |
United States |
29/455,007 |
D696094 |
5/16/2013 |
12/24/2013 |
Issued |