Machine Learning Diagnostic for Automated Identification and Classification of Bone Marrow Cells
Machine learning tool to aid in the diagnosis of hematologic disorders of bone marrow.
Key Benefits
Automated machine learning-based approach for performing bone marrow differential counts that accounts for all viable cells on the smear.
Data generated by a prototype shows the system is fast and demonstrates precision compared to manual...
Published: 2/13/2025
Contributor(s): Lee Cooper, David Gutman, David Jaye, Ahmed Aljudi, Ramraj Chandradevan
Dual Mobility Femur Prosthetic to Reduce Post-Operative Hip Dislocation
A new design of a modular hip implant with a rotational proximal junction in the femoral stem to minimize post-operative hip dislocation.
Rotating femoral component alleviates torsional strain on implant, a primary cause of implant impingement and failure.
Market Summary
Peri-prosthetic hip dislocation is the number one...
Published: 2/28/2025
Contributor(s): George Guild, III
Predicting Treatment Response in Patients with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
Prognostic model predicts treatment response to nusinersen (Spinraza®) in patients with spinal muscular atrophy.
Key Benefits
A prediction model using baseline CHOP-INTEND, IL-8, fractalkine, and MCP-1 accurately predicts CHOP-INTEND outcomes in children treated with nusinersen
The model can also be incorporated into future therapeutic...
Published: 2/13/2025
Contributor(s): William Hu, Sumit Verma
Myosoft: Automated Muscle Histology Analysis
Software to automatically measure muscle fiber types and sizes.
Key Benefits
Accurately identify and characterize different muscle fiber types within a sample.
Market Summary
Despite generations of technological advancements in disease interpretation and testing technologies, accurate diagnosis of myopathy remains a challenge. Myopathy,...
Published: 2/13/2025
Contributor(s): Hyojung Choo, H. Criss Hartzell, Jr., Lucas Encarnacion-Rivera, Steven Foltz
Repurposed Small Molecules that Promote Osteogenesis
Repurposed small molecules for use as a bone forming therapeutic during treatment of diseases requiring local bone formation such as fracture repair, spinal fusion, and large segmental bone defects.
Key Benefits
Current treatments require high concentrations of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) which results in high costs, adverse side...
Published: 2/13/2025
Contributor(s): Scott Boden, Sreedhara Sangadala
Collagen-Mimetic Nanosheets
Two-dimensional sheets composed of collagen-mimetic peptides on the nanoscale that are highly-ordered and self-assembling.
Key Benefits
Thermal stability, sheet thickness, and sheet dimensions can be controlled through the peptide sequence and preparative conditions.
Market Summary
Collagens are used in a number of consumer and biomedical...
Published: 2/13/2025
Contributor(s): Vincent Conticello, Tao Jiang
JabI Inhibitor: Bone Forming Small Molecule for Use in Spinal Fusion Devices
Bone forming therapeutic for use in spinal fusion devices and treatment of systemic bone diseases and disorders.
Key Benefits
Current devices for bone grafting procedures require high concentrations of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) which results in a high cost and create a barrier for routine clinical use.
Small molecule therapeutics...
Published: 2/28/2025
Contributor(s): Scott Boden, Sreedhara Sangadala
Noggin Inhibitor: Bone Forming Small Molecule for Use in Spinal Fusion Devices
Bone forming therapeutic for use in spinal fusion devices and treatment of systemic bone diseases and disorders.
Key Benefits
Current devices for bone grafting procedures require high concentrations of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) which results in a high cost and create a barrier for routine clinical use.
Small molecule therapeutics...
Published: 2/13/2025
Contributor(s): Scott Boden, Sreedhara Sangadala