Enhanced Delivery and Efficacy of Antisense Drugs via Covalently Linked Nanodisc Scaffolds
A synthetic nanodisc (ND) scaffold for delivering antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) for the treatment of disease.
Key Benefits
Improved cellular uptake and protein suppression using antisense oligos.
Longer ASO half-life compared to other ASO delivery methods.
Potential to overcome the delivery and efficacy challenges using ASOs for...
Published: 12/4/2024
Contributor(s): Khalid Salaita, Radhika Sharma
Engineered Biomaterials for Vascular Grafts
A biomaterial to create grafts for treating babies with congenital heart diseases.
Key Benefits
A biocompatible material that can be used to reroute blood within the body.
Experimental data in animals show the material is biocompatible with no clots, thrombus, or adverse immune reactions.
Potential to be used in other cardiovascular...
Published: 7/30/2024
Contributor(s): Saimuralidhar (Murali) Padala, Jahnavi Mudigonda
Chameleon-Inspired Strain-Accommodating Smart Skin
A flexible smart skin that changes its color in response to heat or sunlight.
Key Benefits
Thermal and photothermal responsive.
Light responsive.
Highly stretchable.
Market Summary
Hydrogels are water-insoluble, three-dimensional networks of polymer chains capable of holding large amounts of water. They are...
Published: 11/20/2024
Contributor(s): Khalid Salaita, Yixiao Dong
Functionalized Collagen Biochips with Core-Shell Structures and Collagen-Mimetic Peptide Nanotubes
Synthetic collagen-based biomaterials for therapeutic delivery or drug testing.
Key Benefits
Synthetic collagen substitute.
Capable of formulating into various structures.
Free of animal-based contaminants.
Able to be spatially patterned.
Market Summary
Organ failure and tissue defects affect millions of Americans, resulting in...
Published: 11/20/2024
Contributor(s): Vincent Conticello, Andrea Merg, Gavin Touponse
A Method of Using Responsive Micro and Sub-micro Scale Polymer Particles for Mechanical Manipulation of Molecules
A method to study the mechanical/controlled unfolding of biomolecules using a polymer force clamp (PFC).
Key Benefits
Particles can be immobilized onto virtually any type of support.
Particles can also be functionalized with a variety of small-molecule, peptide and protein ligands.
Ability to have multiple PFC’s measuring associated...
Published: 10/28/2024
Contributor(s): Hanquan Su, Khalid Salaita
TGFβR3-based Biomaterial to Treat Bone Damage
PEG-MAL (Poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether maleimide) polymer gel composition containing soluble TGFβ3R or embedded with modified TGFβ3R over-expressing cells for bone growth and repair therapy.
Key Benefits
Targets a non-BMP2 signaling pathway to improve BMP signaling.
Avoids complications associated with BMP2.
Published: 7/30/2024
Contributor(s): Steven Goudy
Anti-biofouling Polymer for Nanoparticle Coating
A functionally amenable copolymer of polyethylene glycol (PEG) and allyl glycidyl ether (AGE) that improves the specificity and targeting of nanoparticles compared to PEG coating.
Key Benefits
Amphiphilic properties significantly reduce non-specific adsorbtion of proteins compared to PEG.
Improves targeting and cell-specific uptake...
Published: 11/20/2024
Contributor(s): Hui Mao, Yuancheng Li, Lily Yang
Collagen-Mimetic Nanosheets
Two-dimensional sheets composed of collagen-mimetic peptides on the nanoscale that are highly-ordered and self-assembling.
Key Benefits
Thermal stability, sheet thickness, and sheet dimensions can be controlled through the peptide sequence and preparative conditions.
Market Summary
Collagens are used in a number of consumer and biomedical...
Published: 11/20/2024
Contributor(s): Vincent Conticello, Tao Jiang