Heart Stabilizer for Minimally Invasive Cardiac Bypass Surgeries


Heart stabilization device for use in minimally invasive cardiac bypass surgeries.

Key Benefits

  • Shorter and thinner articulating arm allows for smaller incisions and less crowding of the work field.
  • Flexible articulating arm accommodates variations in patient anatomy.
  • V-shaped stabilizing arms are much less bulky than those for currently available devices.

Market Summary

Coronary artery bypass surgery is one of the most commonly performed surgeries in the United States. Minimally invasive techniques in this surgery have become increasingly common. Additionally, bypass surgery commonly involves stopping the heart to provide easier manipulation of the vessels during the surgery. Alternatively, the surgery may be performed “off-pump,” where instead a device is used to stabilize the motion of the heart. These stabilization devices are often bulky, making them difficult to work around during minimally invasive procedures. There is a clear need for a device that stabilizes the heart and is small enough to allow access around it during minimally invasive bypass surgeries.

Technical Summary

Researchers at Emory have developed a stabilization device for the heart that is small enough to be used during minimally invasive procedures. The device has a shorter and thinner articulating arm than currently available devices, allowing for smaller incisions and leading to less crowding of the work field. The device arm is also flexible, accommodating variations in artery anatomy. The stabilizing arms are V-shaped, a design much less bulky than current U-shaped devices.

Developmental Stage

A prototype of the device is currently being developed.

Patent Information

App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Patent Status
Utility (parent) United States 15/199,136 10,149,672 6/30/2016 12/11/2018 Issued
Tech ID: 12019
Published: 4/28/2015